Punto de encuentro

En un tiempo donde no abundan los soñadores, ni tampoco los locos cuerdos que quieran desfacer entuertos en nuestro mundo, Punto de Encuentro, quiere ser una instancia de diálogo para ayudar en la construcción de una sociedad más humana. Recordando al Quijote, ojalá hayan más que tomen su lanza y escudo para recuperar nuestra capacidad de soñar y de tomar el riesgo de la aventura.

jueves, octubre 20, 2005


Jean Arthur Rimbaud, que nació un 20 de octubre de 1854, es uno de los máximos representantes del "Simbolismo"

A los 17 años escribió su primera obra, "El barco ebrio"

Una de sus obras fundamentales es "Una temporada en el infierno". vean las notas que sobre esta obra escribió Ramón Buenaventura.

También Rimbaud fue llevado al cine.

Vean algunas fotos de Arthur Rimbaud y también conozca algunas frases dichas por él y sobre él


Anonymous Anónimo said...

Howdy Roberto Bravo,
I'm impressed with what you wrote here in your ARTHUR RIMBAUD post. I'm a little embarrassed to admit what that I was searching for steps to french kissing information, but found you and I'm happy to be here - you have well done with topics of interest to me. I might make a blog that looks like yours but about steps to french kissing related stuff, (don't worry I wouldn't try to compete with you). You're doing a great job Roberto Bravo.
You got a great thing going... by friend.

11:50 p.m.  
Anonymous Anónimo said...

Hi Roberto Bravo,
My excitement grows as I read more of what you have here...
I'm a little embarrassed to say it but when was out looking for making out french kissing information I found your post: ARTHUR RIMBAUD and had to stop for a read. I sicerely appreciate you blog topic... I'm considering making a blog about making out french kissing and I should probably stop by here more often to watch how you do this great job.. I always love looking through other poeples blogs and reading the posts (especially yours!) I don't know if you like other blogs or want to check out mine, but I think you've done a quality job.

It's great to be here on your blog, thanks.

11:27 p.m.  
Anonymous Anónimo said...

Hi Roberto Bravo,
My excitement grows as I read more of what you have here...
I'm a little embarrassed to say it but when was out looking for french kissing information I found your post: ARTHUR RIMBAUD and had to stop for a read. I sicerely appreciate you blog topic... I'm considering making a blog about french kissing and I should probably stop by here more often to watch how you do this great job.. I always love looking through other poeples blogs and reading the posts (especially yours!) I don't know if you like other blogs or want to check out mine, but I think you've done a quality job.

It's great to be here on your blog, thanks.

5:59 a.m.  

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